Sunday, February 17, 2013


For the sake of posting something, I'll use this to introduce myself and this blog, I'll be using the moniker of Blessed Miguel Pro, my patron saint.
The dude was a Pro.
I was raised in a nominally Mexican Catholic family, I was baptized as per usual, but I didn't take any Cathecism classes or do my First Communion at the normal age. Still, my family did their best to go to Mass every Sunday, usually at the behest of my grandma. Entering Junior High I came to identify less with Catholicism and more with a fuzzy agnosticism and my family stopped attending Mass regularly. During my Senior of High School I became more and more interested in philosophical questions relating to the origins of the universe, being a naturally curious person and fascinated with science and technology, I took to skepticism right away. I consequently fell into Atheism.
So I persisted in my Atheism for about two years, then, thanks to the pure Grace of God, having kept contact with a friend from High School who was more or less so a devout Catholic invited me to a retreat for a lay ministry they were part of, at first I was hesitant, but they were persistent, so I agreed. I won't go into too much detail about the retreat, but it's suffice to say I left thinking there might be something to the Church and I wanted to know more.

As I read more about the faith, doctrines, and the practices of the Church, I became enamored with it. There was no "Aha!" moment but a gentle, slow courtship of my heart and intellect. This love affair finally culminated about two years later, when I decided to enroll in RCIA at my local territorial parish and on Easter Vigil of 2012 I received the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist.

Since then, I have done all I can to learn more about the Faith, reading blogs online has been a critical part of that and I have come to firmly believe that the Internet can be a valuable tool for evangelizing.  Thus, after a period of contemplation and prayer, and inspired by other Catholic web personalities, I have decided to begin my own Catholic blog. I hope to provide for those who may come to read this blog, good solid orthodox teaching, a place for me to muse on Church events, liturgy and things relating to traditional Catholic practice.

And That's my simple tale of lost and found faith. I have no ambitious aims for this blog beyond my stated goals, so for any readers who might wander upon this I pray that you might find something useful and perhaps a thing or two to make you think. Humbly, I thank you for reading!

May the Almighty Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, be praised unto eternity!